
          Out of habit, have you looked for arrowhead shapes in the Mars photographs?  Do you have a kid, pet, or rusty truck named clovis?  Have you ever missed a wedding because the water's down?  Has your better half ever slapped you awake in the middle of the night demanding to know who folsom is?  Does your computer desk look like a flint outcropping?  If you answered yes to any of these questions, this is the site for you!

      Collecting relics for most of us is more than a hobby, it is a passion.  The relics left by past people each tell us story, give us a glimpse into the past.  It is our duty to preserve this past for future generations.  On this site you will find information that will be helpful to the average, as well as, more advanced collector.  Discussion forum, arcade games, artifact trivia, real-time chat, artifacts for sale, useful articles & typology are just a few of the things you will find.  Please use the links provided in the left window to help you navigate easier.  Don't forget to check out my pottery restoration page!  - Matt Rowe

Search Arrowheads1 For

Flint Reduction Primer - Just finished putting this together.  It's a fun page with graphical representations of flaking terminology and techniques.


Pennsylvania Points - Just listed some Pennsylvania points that I acquired recently.  Be sure to check them out!



Matt Rowe  

P.O. Box 613, Pryor, OK.  74362  

(918) 476-6246



Affiliated Real Relic Owner Webring

"Collecting With Confidence"

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